Jul 10, 2024

Bahaya Parfum Pewangi Pakaian (PARWAPAK)

Gambar : https://www.kompas.com
Penggunaan parfum pewangi pakaian (PARWAPAK) memiliki beberapa potensi bahaya yang perlu diperhatikan, terutama terkait dengan kesehatan dan lingkungan. Berikut adalah beberapa bahaya yang mungkin terkait dengan penggunaan pewangi pakaian:

1. Reaksi Alergi dan Iritasi Kulit

Bahaya: Pewangi pakaian sering mengandung bahan kimia yang dapat menyebabkan reaksi alergi atau iritasi kulit pada beberapa orang. Pembahasan: Bahan kimia seperti phthalates dan parfum sintetik dapat menyebabkan kulit gatal, kemerahan, atau ruam pada individu yang sensitif atau alergi terhadap bahan-bahan tersebut. Orang dengan kondisi kulit sensitif atau eksim harus berhati-hati dalam menggunakan produk pewangi pakaian.

Bahaya tidak atau jarang berolahraga (JAROR)

Gambar : https://health.okezone.com
Tidak atau jarang berolahraga (JAROR) dapat memiliki berbagai bahaya yang signifikan terhadap kesehatan dan kesejahteraan seseorang. Berikut adalah beberapa bahaya utama dari tidak atau jarang berolahraga:

1. Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah

Bahaya: Risiko tinggi terkena penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah. Pembahasan: Olahraga teratur membantu meningkatkan kondisi jantung dan pembuluh darah dengan memperkuat otot jantung, menurunkan tekanan darah, meningkatkan kadar kolesterol baik (HDL), dan mengontrol kadar gula darah. Tidak berolahraga dapat meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung koroner, serangan jantung, dan stroke.

Bahaya terlalu lama dalam posisi duduk (TERLADUK)

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Terlalu lama dalam posisi duduk (TERLADUK), terutama tanpa jeda atau peregangan, dapat menimbulkan berbagai masalah kesehatan yang serius. Gaya hidup yang melibatkan duduk dalam waktu yang lama sering dikaitkan dengan berbagai kondisi kesehatan kronis dan akut. Berikut adalah beberapa bahaya yang terkait dengan duduk terlalu lama:

Jun 30, 2024

The Fascinating World of Chemistry: Exploring Matter and Its Transformations

Sumber : http://krazyglobe.com/
By: Atep Afia Hidayat

Chemistry, like other sciences, continues to advance both in pure and applied fields. Before delving into its developments, it's essential to define chemistry itself.

Several experts define chemistry as the natural science that specifically studies the changes in matter, encompassing both chemical and physical transformations. These changes in matter can be studied through the energy changes accompanying them.

Palm Oil: Indonesia's Path to Economic Vitality

Sumber : http://www.merdeka.com/
By : Atep Afia Hidayat

It is undeniable that crude oil forms the backbone of the economy for Arab countries. Can Indonesia follow in the footsteps of Middle Eastern nations, making oil and gas (Migas) the primary source of foreign exchange earnings? The answer is challenging, given its limited natural resources. There is a trend of declining value in oil and gas exports, partly due to aging well conditions. Nevertheless, fossil fuels are non-renewable resources. However, it is highly plausible to position palm oil plantations and industries as the main source of foreign exchange earnings.

Green Gold: Palm Oil's Vital Role in Indonesia's Economy

Sources : https://imarcgroup.files.wordpress.com
By: Atep Afia Hidayat

If crude oil is known as "black gold," then palm oil can be aptly termed "green gold." Palm oil stands as the most important vegetable oil source, playing a pivotal role in both upstream (plantations) and downstream (processing or industrial) sectors, thereby enhancing the income of stakeholders, including farmers and workers.

According to DJIA (2016), palm oil contributes significantly to value addition domestically, job creation, and foreign exchange earnings through exports. Beyond its role as a cooking oil, palm oil also serves as an industrial oil and biodiesel (a renewable fuel source). 

The History and Development of Palm Oil Industry in Indonesia

Sources : https://voi.id/en/memori/149029
By: Atep Afia Hidayat

The history of the palm oil industry in Indonesia traces back to the introduction and commercial cultivation of palm oil seedlings that traveled thousands of kilometers to reach Indonesian shores. This article explores the key figures behind its introduction, initial commercial development, and the integration of palm oil cultivation into Indonesia’s agricultural landscape.

According to various sources, the first palm oil seeds arrived in Indonesia (then the Dutch East Indies) around 1848, brought by the Dutch colonial government from Nigeria. Similarly, Malaysia received its first palm oil seeds in 1875, introduced by the British colonial government through Singapore (MPOC, 2012). Despite Singapore no longer having palm oil plantations today, it stands as the first region to receive African-origin palm oil seeds.

The Evolution and Impact of Palm Oil Plantations: A Historical and Contemporary Analysis

Sources : https://everchem.com.my/

By: Atep Afia Hidayat

The history of palm oil begins in the wild forests, where it was first discovered and utilized by certain people, gradually spreading to society and eventually becoming a significant global trade commodity. The awareness of the importance of palm oil cultivation was triggered and accelerated by the Industrial Revolution, which began in England between 1750 and 1850.

According to Wikipedia (2023), the Industrial Revolution brought massive changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology utilization. It significantly impacted social, economic, and cultural conditions worldwide. Originating in England, the Industrial Revolution spread to Western Europe, North America (the United States and Canada), and Japan.

Why Exercise is Essential for Brain Health: Latest Qualitative and Quantitative Data

By: Atep Afia Hidayat

Is there a connection between the brain and exercise? Absolutely. Brain mapping shows significant differences between the brains of those who regularly exercise and those who rarely or never do. What causes this?

Two crucial substances significantly influence brain function and condition: glucose (blood sugar) and oxygen (O2). A deficit of either can lead to brain dysfunction. Glucose is derived from the digestion of carbohydrates in food, while oxygen enters the body through the nose, is absorbed by the lungs, and circulated by the heart throughout the body, including the brain.

Mengapa Olahraga Penting untuk Otak: Fakta Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif

Oleh: Atep Afia Hidayat

Apakah ada kaitan antara otak dan olahraga? Ya, sangat berkaitan erat. Pemetaan otak menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan antara otak orang yang rutin berolahraga dan yang jarang atau tidak berolahraga. Apa penyebabnya?

Terdapat dua zat utama yang berpengaruh besar terhadap fungsi dan kondisi otak: glukosa (gula darah) dan oksigen (O2). Kekurangan kedua zat ini dapat menyebabkan disfungsi otak. Glukosa berasal dari pencernaan karbohidrat dalam makanan, sedangkan oksigen masuk ke tubuh melalui hidung, diserap oleh paru-paru, dan diedarkan oleh jantung ke seluruh tubuh, termasuk otak.